
Nice clock ahmed
Nice clock ahmed

For those that survive and make it to hospital, the outlook is certainly improved, but if the blood supply is not restored in a timely fashion, a scar replaces the once beating heart muscle and the heart is often irreversibly damaged. The good news is that if done in time, we can treat these lesions to good effect with the use of minimally invasive techniques such as stent placement (see the diagram below). Scientists are now investigating if this damage can be reversed by injecting stem cells into the area. Also, check out our article on the new disappearing stent. If you look carefully at the first picture at the top of this article, you will notice there is an artery on the left side called the Left Main Artery. It supplies both the LAD and the Left circumflex, both of the left-sided arteries.

nice clock ahmed

As you can imagine, critical blockage of the Left Main coronary artery is the mother of all Widow Makers! A heart attack caused by this truly drives fear into cardiologists, surgeons, and patients alike, because if that goes down, go figure! The Widow Maker Video It would lead to loss of blood supply to the entire left side (the main side), the front wall, and the side wall. To help further explain the widowmaker, I created this video. The video includes a thorough explanation of the condition as well as survivability and life expectancy – two aspects of the widow maker not covered elsewhere in the article.Īt, we’ve helped millions of people through our articles and answers. Follow Dr Ahmed on Twitter you liked the information in this article make sure you read Now our authors are keeping readers up to date with essential information through twitter. This is similar to phentermine and how phentermine works where you can buy phentermine online ‘Did That Stent Save My Life? and ‘Should I Take An Aspirin Every Day?’. I just had a widow maker heart attack two weeks ago. All testing and ekg’s and stress test said everything ok. Sat in a chair and major chest pain, left arm went numb, then lips, then right arm and fingers. My son had been helping me and left to go get us some pizza for lunch. Got up and walked around the house and up my driveway to a covered swing in my front yard. I knew if I stayed in the back yard, no one would find me. Lost all feelings in my hands, could not move them.

Nice clock ahmed